Welcome to the Old Llandavians website. At the Cathedral School, we are very proud of the School’s history and the achievements of our alumni. Our Old Llandavians (OLs) continue to be members of the School community and we are working to engage with and grow a living network of friends of the School. Our focus is upon the present and the future, ensuring the School gives the best possible opportunities to the young people of today. The tangible support of the living network of OLs makes a very significant contribution towards the Llandavians of the future.
OLs are invited to use this website to update their details, find friends, sign up for news and events, find out about the School’s latest fundraising initiatives and access the searchable Llandavian Magazine Archive.
If you are an OL and would like to visit and/or have a tour of the School, suggest an event or reunion, find a long lost school friend or discuss how you can support the School, please contact The Development Office via alumni@cathedral-school.co.uk  
Clare Sherwood
Head of The Cathedral School
Forthcoming Events
Latest News
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Friday 7th February 2025
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Wednesday 5th February 2025
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Monday 3rd February 2025
Follow Us
Follow The School
The Cathedral School
Development Office
Cardiff Road
Llandaff, Cardiff, CF5 2YH
Communications Manager: Mrs Petra Barry
E: alumni@cathedral-school.co.uk
T: 029 2056 3179
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